Home Elements Designed to Grow With Your Kids
When you’re designing your home it’s important to keep your kids in mind, too and while adding a slide to get to the basement may seem exciting now, what happens when your kids outgrow it? Here are some reminders and tips so that your perfect home stays perfect forever!

1. Keep the bright colors in the decorations, not on the walls.
No matter how hard we try, we can’t change how quickly our kids grow up, which means we can’t change how quickly their style changes. While having bright blue walls may be fun and exciting for this stage of life, it won’t be forever. Paint may seem like an easy fix, but painting over vibrant and bright colors is a taxing endeavor that requires many layers of paint and a whole lot of frustration. Keeping the walls neutral or a more muted tone allows for endless possibilities when it comes to decor. Swapping out a lamp and some wall art every couple of years is a whole lot easier.
2. Plan ahead.
Before adding any major design elements, think about how your kids can use them in the future. If you can’t see them using it for many years to come, don’t make it permanent! You may have seen some elaborate customized play structures built into basements and loft spaces while browsing for home ideas. Trust us, we think they’re just as cool as you do, but what happens when your kids no longer think a four foot tall rock wall or indoor swing set is cool? When you’re customizing something like that, figure out how it can be converted throughout different stages of your kid’s lives. Building a structure that can be reconfigured later gives your kids the freedom to develop new hobbies and still use the space that was made for them!
3. Built in movie room.
Movies are something that kids will love no matter how old. A comfy home theater is fantastic for snuggling up with your toddler and watching your favorite Pixar movie or your teen inviting friends over for a night of junk food and video games. This is a great use of space that won’t require a ton of work as your kids get older.
4. Your kids won’t be little forever.
If you have small kids when you first build or buy your home, you may feel like you need less space than you actually do. Right now it makes sense to have them sharing a room or having limited play space. They’re little! They don’t need a ton of space! Space only means more junk! And we agree… but they won’t be little forever. YES, teenagers share rooms all the time and there is nothing wrong with it, but if it’s in your budget to make sure everyone has their own space, do it. It’ll save you a lot of frustration later in life. Not only are your kids going to want space one day, but you will too! Make sure there is a spot that you can go (or you can send your kids off to) to relax and enjoy a few kid free moments of silence.
5. Ditch the children’s beds.
This isn’t doesn’t technically matter when building a home, but chances are you’re going to be updating some of the furniture before moving in. Ditch the car bed and opt for a full size adult bed. If your kids are young (but out of a crib), put the full size mattress on the floor, and if your kids can safely sleep without rolling off the bed, get a simple bed frame that is appropriate for any age!
6. Plan for the unknown.
Kids like to keep us on our toes, so always be ready for changing likes and dislikes. A kid could love something one day and hate it the next.
Ultimately, your kids deserve to be happy, so just remember that almost anything you do can be removed, even if it may be a lot of work. If you really want a slide in your basement, go for it! I bet your teenager would use it all the time! And don’t forget, even when they move out, they’ll always come home for food and attention! Your kids will always be home at your house, so make it everything they could ever imagine!