5 Luxuries that You Can Add to Your New Home Build

Adding luxury into your home may feel like taking more away from your budget, but luxury does always have to mean flushing money down the drain! Here are five ways to add a little luxury into your new build without completely blowing your budget.

1. Heated floors in the bathrooms.

Adding heated floors throughout your home can quickly become a costly investment, but adding them just to the bathrooms is a cost effective way to take your bathroom to spa-like to spa. There’s nothing worse than stepping out of a warm, relaxing bath onto the cold tile! This is a small upgrade that will completely change the feel of your bathroom!

2. Central Vacuum System.

This is another addition that may have felt out of reach, but installing a central vacuum system during the building process cuts cost by cutting out the demolition labor! If you have kids, or adults that act like kids, a central vacuum system is a must!

3. Invest in higher quality fixtures

like faucets and cabinet hardware. It may seem like low grade fixtures would go unnoticed, but when they’re installed around other luxury materials like marble or granite they stand out like a sore thumb! These things are also more challenging to replace, so when they fall apart down the road it adds a whole new headache!

4. Built-In dog houses.

Man’s best friend deserves a place to call his own in your new custom build too! Adding in a custom home for Fido not only gives him space but also gets large, unsightly crates out of your living room! Under the stairs is a great place to add a space just for your four legged friends!

5. Invest in your kitchen.

This one is necessarily an addition because (we’re hoping!) your dream home already included a kitchen, but any extra funds in your budget should be focused on the kitchen. Your kitchen is often the most popular place to hang out, so go all out to give an upscale feel to your home!

Not sure what additions may be best for you? Contact our design team today to begin the planning process on your brand new, dream home build!